I've visited a few places in my short life. I remember visiting Atlanta in 1989 I think, okay, I don't have a clue because I was a whole lotta drunk, drudging through the annual festival of flesh with some old Army buddies I wouldn't dig up if you paid me to.
I had a job interview to dance for this past Saturday. I won't get into what new slave chain I might attach to in the Matrix, I just felt that at 35 I have few shots at jobs aimed at younger cats so I got down there and did my thing.
What I don't remember on my last visit is the beauty and splendor that is Georgia. As I rode into GA I was damn near moved to tears on the taste of the air alone. Now I lived in Colorado Springs back in my early Army days and I cannot remember such a sweet smell while living all up in the mountains. Breathing was more of a escalated experience, an event if you will rather than a body function based on necessity. Taking in the earth tones, the red clay, the greens of the trees and the fresh air blended into sky blue regardless of day or night reminded me on how much of a gift it is to be alive.
I got to Atlanta from Chicago in under 9 hours. I left the Chi late (doing stuff around the house) but was glad that I hit the road around midnight because the roads were empty, the cops were snoozing and I was able to speed 90% the way there. I had a physical exam to do early that afternoon and I wanted to get some rest before I exerted myself physically at the tryouts, but I had an obstacle. I went to the Days Inn to check into my room. I wanted to stretch out and just get in a zone of quiet to focus, I am competing for a job against literally thousands of other potential candidates, I had to get my thing together. So I get to the hotel, printed reservation confirmation in hand, bags over shoulders and then I got hit with a big resounding NO at the front desk. I got bumped. I totally forgot in my excitement that the NCAA tournament was there as well. I also found out that Van Hunt, Mint Condition and Elephant Man (as well as a few b performers) were performing all around the city that weekend.
I have no room.
I drove around the entire city looking for a vacancy. I learned a few driving tips and was all up into these maps I bought to get from place to place in order to find a room.
No dice.
The city is filled with sports hungry fans, family members of college basketball players and from what I witnessed hotels full of press corps and the cats that run cables, point TV cameras and work in those big ass broadcast vehicles. Not glamorous at all... Oh well. I know that my room was probably sold for a whole lot more than I was willing to pay. I did not know about the extended stay joints near the airport. Cheap as hell and you can get in there for 7 days at about 25-30% more than I paid to stay in some old, crusty all motel.
Yep, that's right, I ended up on the ho stroll on Cheshire Bridge Road. I saw some shit... Never mind, that's a whole other post. I didn't stay long in that room, I think for my damn near $100 I spent 4 hours total in that shack. In order to watch TV, one had to flip the switch on the wall near the door to get it to come on. That shit was funny. The TV was one of them solid state joints from when I was a kid with a busted control panel. Someone plucked off all the buttons. The remote was a newer Wal-Mart special with mismatched batteries. There was a short in the remote, so no TV for me.
The room was a clean as a Bates Motel room could be, but it was still creepy as all get out. I took a chair and put it between the 2 beds that came with the room. That's where I slept from 4:45am to damn near 9. In the chair, feet propped, one eye open.
Good thing about the room, I didn't have to 'stay' there. I called and ran into a few old friends and a somewhat new one. I heard from an old friend's ex and was told the reason she lives in Buckhead and why he's doing his thing in Decatur alone. I didn't visit her, but we chatted on the phone for a good hour. I also called and hung out with a few cats I didn't know very well, but was shown the facilities at Atlanta Pro Audio, a popular spot off of 85 for budding heat spitters and wanna be producers. Unfortunately I heard nothing trackwise that I liked or was willing to buy as far as my album is concerned. I did meet a few cats that I might want to work with there, and I was convinced that there are much more resources for me in media in Atlanta than in Chicago. One thing, I'm very old school in my approach to what I rock and I might agree that the gully ass ATL sound rocking right now might gain me additional audience with a younger crowd but I think I'll pass and stick to my sound which has a more mellow and mature sound to me. Time tells a lot.
I also got a chance and somewhat pick the brain and spend time with someone I've been wanting to meet for quite some time now. Not enough time spent though. That, my reader was one of the highlights of my trip. Nuff said. Brain picking is essential to me being where I need to be in my life. I have to know. All the time. So I will ask.
Saturday night was spent at a records release party/concert/networking event. Loud, crowded and full of players. I blended in well, no one knowing I was an outsider until conversation and card exchange. I highly recommend getting your ass down to the ATL if you have a new CD with grocery store muzak. You might get a deal. I was able to do something I could not do in New York or in Chicago: I talked with real VP's and Label owners that actually were listening to lil old me. I didn't give the secrets of the temple, but I pitched a few people on some stuff the Chicago fam already knows about. I already got 2 phone calls (one yesterday, one today) from folks that want to hear more than they have and get me back down there. I also need to get on the ball with my press kit so I can put my bid on doing a showcase down there at a popular spot.
Can you feel that?
Cause I'm all tingly too.
I stayed out till 3 in the morning politicking and standing in a parking lot listening to beats and track concepts. Atlanta is filled with gifted musicians and non-musically trained trackmakers. That alone makes the trip worth it. Resources to do my thing. There is another reason I want to make that move and actually live there, and it has nothing to do with mixing boards and unfinished album tracks... That land with it's red clay and greener trees keeps calling me.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Summary of my weekend... sort of because I got more. I just don't wanna make you read all of that stuff right now...
Monday, March 27, 2006
Okay, so I spent the weekend in Atlanta...
I broke in the new bucket by putting German Engineering to the test. It started like this...
I had to do something about that, so I did this...
Which ended up being like this...
and I got to see things like this...
and this...
and this...
hooked up with my brother from another mother and was shown this...
and the celebrity that comes with it...
I was so busy (driving and reading maps, shopping and meeting with friends) that I didn't get many pix in the ATL. I did meet and had a great time with a fellow scribe and one damn creative sista of a blogger blogger Nikki (narritives be off the chizzle)... but missed the pow wow over at Barley’s Billards on Peachtree Friday night and to think, I wasn't far from there at all, just arrived a day late.
I now know that I enjoy long drives alone. Not that I wouldn't have minded a travel partner or partners, but I was efficient in my handling of the trip. Met a ton of new friends and am in the process of establishing roots (businesswise) in the greater Atlanta metro area.
But I ended up like this (and that is a couple of hours ago - arriving back in the Chi running errands)
All in all, I really enjoyed myself. I'll probably get in depth about certan people, places and events throughout the week, but right now... I'm tired. And I gotta go to work.
Peace until the next ep.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Not just knee deep...
I've been knee deep in the bush the past couple of days. It seems that I have time to rest and that's good, but other than that when I leave the house I'm locked into work.
Well, everything seems like work these days, regardless of what the action is.
Recording the current music project is fun, I get a chance to make a dent doing something that I truly enjoy. I just need to keep focus and remember that this is my opportunity to provide that missing element that I complain about in hip hop. I know that in the grand scope of things I'm just one cat, but I know if Al and I maintain that focus and keep quality and enjoyment on our minds then we'll do just that. Drop a quality album that will provide some serious satisfaction and my people will enjoy and appreciate that. Damn, it is for the love!
I hope you enjoyed me posting that newly recorded joint from the other day. In order for me to make quality music I do need feedback and I'd like it from you. I do plan on posting a few more songs here in the near future. You see, I figure if you help craft these joints then you and others would be inclined to buy the finished project seeing as it's something that you enjoy that much more because you had your hand all up in the production process. You know, for the people, by the people. I still need feedback, so the most recent joint is still over there on the right, just click on the play button, listen to the track and give a brother a little critique.
Don't get it twisted, I am more of a poet these days than a lyricist, and we are recording them joints as well with live instrumentation. It takes so much more attention and detail recording live music. To have others see your vision and interpret it is a whole different animal. I have a certain thing happening in my head and I depend on Al to sync with me to provide proper direction to the band. I am a writer and he is a composer. Whenever Al adds his flavor to my words after hearing the concept of a track that I have embedded in my mind it becomes something else. It becomes neutral in the sense that is no longer my idea alone. We then start tweaking things to better complement the vocals, but this time with the verses I've written we're going to attempt to have the music stand alone and partner that with verse. We plan on adding song, the element of hip hop flow and sensual funk grooves to create an experience for the listener. This is hard work, and timing (and available time) is everything. With poetry being my bread and butter these days it is imperative that I lay some of my better and more in depth joints down because I need a recorded body of work to represent me as I travel and speak to you. In other words, I'm tired of having folks ask if I have a CD when I'm at the spot spitting... Plus, to actually get a little loot to help the cause shows the love is really, really there. I got a day job, so I ain't thirsty.
I've again given thought to making music my full time hustle, but I remember years ago us actually pursuing a record deal and me acting an outright ass because I actually predicted the whole indy thing and I wanted the creative freedom that came with that. Not that I'm Nostradamus or anything, but I knew the internet would change the game and with all of the home versions of hardware and software available (I got some, access to the rest) to budding musicians, one could make an album in their bedroom, get critical acclaim (see: Cody ChestnuTT) and strike a distribution deal and keep most of the profits related to mechanical royalties, thus keeping the majority share of one's publishing. Plus, one could lease his or her masters to a label and have a reasonable buyback rate when the label finished pimping the album(s). We watched Master P, Public Enemy, Prince and Elton John (as well as countless others) keep a high percentage of their publishing and keep ownership of the masters as well as doing P&D (pressing and distribution deals, where the label gets 35% of the profit for manufacturing the CD's and shipping them to record stores using their freight systems) deals and then because they own the masters, they can offer downloads of both whole albums and single songs that go directly to them (and not the labels) over the past decade and a half. Look at where it got them. I/we weren'tÂ’t ready to get into publishing and self direction as far as owning a label back then was concerned anyway. Plus, record labels and their minions (read: A&R's) were in straight denial on the future of music. They pumped us with this "you really need the record label" type of shit, basically telling us that we wouldn't survive without the direction and money provided by the label, and that we needed to 'phase' our creative direction in segments and give the public pieces of us... Basically string them along with one concept for a year or two, maybe three so that the legs of an album can stretch. In other words, compose one album with a limited budget and follow direction from someone that has no clue as to what dimensionn your creative flow came from and then stretch this snapshot of how you felt at that moment (as an artist) for about 2 to three years so one can get 3 to 4 singles out of the album.
That's why we never got a damn record deal. I could never imagine being that much of a puppet, I mean did you listen to that joint I posted the other day? How would I be able to maintain my platform? I'm not going to lie, the more love I get out there on the road the more I want to make getting out there a permanent part of me doing my thing. As with blogging, I get a little deep and introspective (this being my therapy), and reading and responding to you that have made my little blogspot a regular destination has become a part of my life that has this gratifying, satisfying sense of fulfillment. I've even gotten a little deep and personal with a person or two since I started blogging (okay, only one person that I got my bond on with, but the experience has taught me a thing or two... Positively, regardless of what she says), so imagine what it would be like to travel and to just speak my pieces and bond with y'all on a regular basis. To get paid to chop game with folk that wanna chop it with you... Damn. Almost gets me moist down there in my nether regions.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Some help please?
I've been busy working and writing on my latest project and I would like a little help.
If you look to your right, there's a little grayish box that has a joint we recorded Sunday night. It's a draft, but much of what you hear will make the final mix. I just want to know what you think about it and if you would groove to it.
That's right... Help me produce this joint by critiquing it and providing suggestions.
I already shared it with my closest personals already and got some feedback, I thought it would be fair if I did the same with my blogfam. Note that I have never shared unfinished work before... Also, I'm an artist, and I'm sensitive bout' my shit.
Just let me know what's really good.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Fatty Fatty, Fat fat...
I hated being fat
I'm still kinda fat
I have diabetes
I learned some things about nutrition, supplementation and kinesiology
I got motivated to live... A little too much
I got extreme with that stuff
It stuck with me
I wasn't that morbidly obese, so the weight surgery thing was just not for me. Getting away from that depressed state and what I thought were sore excuses to remain fat by the other candidates really worked for me. I also dated and lived with a personal trainer for 5 years and saw what lifting a weight and 'eating clean' can do. That worked as well. I also befriended this brother at the post office who introduced me to yoga and tai chi later in my relationship with Ms. Hardbody. He also put me in touch with a Mistre of Capoeira and I wanted to move like that. I wanted to be thin again, not for vanity, but I missed moving freely and sleeping without apnea. I was also embarrassed by the words of my ex of 14 years. In the last year or so of the relationship, she would call me "pig" under her breath as we would converse and she thought that I couldn't hear her. There was also a joke between friends that I would smother her as we slept in our bed. I am 5'11 and she is barely 5 feet tall, and she put it out there that one night I trapped her against a wall as I slept and she could not break free from her 'prison'. Imagine that mother fucking pain. Imagine how it felt the first time I realized that the woman I loved, wanted to have bare my seed and shared a home with would slip in "pig" as we had conversation. All the time. You talk about hateration, imagine what it feels like to actually be hated by the one you depend on for emotional and spiritual support. I could never be the same after some shit like that.
I hated being fat.
She hated me as well and was afraid to leave the relationship until I forced the issue.
It was a part of my persona to be the 'big friendly guy' that let things go.
My competitive nature helped fuel a time where all I did was take Hydroxycut and drink MetRx shakes for a couple of months when I started rehab. I didn't like being the fat, slow guy at the facility. By this time, I had broken up with my long time ex and was knee deep in a relationship with the personal trainer. She worked thru grad school part time at a supplement store where the manager sold steroids and pro hormones as a side hustle. I ended up getting my steroid MBA from the manager dude and a few other cats from World Gym and Bally's Total Fitness (downtown Chicago, just ask) as well as a few athletes rehabbing at Athletico. Say what you want about Barry Bonds getting angry and wanting to improve his physique and wanting better performance, I improved both my foot and hand speed in rehab as well as dropping a noticeable amount of fat tissue and gaining a little muscle experimenting with pro-hormones and I had no problems with side effects. I learned that if you use the recommended dosage as opposed to overusing like a lot of folks do, you'll be fine. So yes, I've cheated before.
Insulin (duh)
Andro (dione and diols)
Go ahead, Google those items and see what you come up with. If you need some additional info on cycling, how to eat using these substances and how to make the pro-hormones trigger a positive nitrogen balance (like real steroids do) and how to mask the steroids to not get caught, then shoot me a private message. Although I no longer use illegal substances, if you are diabetic and use insulin, there is a method that non-diabetic bodybuilders use to gain mass and lose adipose tissue with insulin. Illegal for them, but not for you. The key is triggering certain hormones to release and eating certain foods to help manipulate carbs and cals certain times during the day. You still have to do intense cardio and actually lift weights to get results from any mass building plan, so don't think that you just inject shit and lose fat. Not even a dream for those that want to lose.
Oh, and my born date is April 20
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Okay, I had a couple of teeth pulled, got a root canal and I just got in from a night out drinking.
I know, I know that sounds a little suspect, but I needed to get out. I didn't drink much, I had a drink or two, that's it. Nothing that would raise eyebrows or anything... Having teeth pulled is a pretty normal thing these days. Phase one of my smile reconstruction has started, and the pain is nothing compared to when I had my knee worked on as well as the rehab process. I have to get all my dental work done before I leave the country.
Say it with me y'all: "Whatever"
Training is going well, me writing new verses is also well. The CD should be very nice. I hope I'm received well. I had to miss a few sessions due to mouth pain, but I wrote new stuff and found new material to embellish upon, so it was a fair exchange I guess. I also start yet another fast come Thursday, this one lasting until my born day. I don't believe in birthdays, but I do fast one day for every year, so this year it's 35... We're doing it different this time, supplementing with protein shakes and MRP's along with juicing. I usually do carrot and beet juice on the regular, and believe me it makes you regular, but this time the balance of my diet will be strictly vegetable juices and scoopable protein-based drinks for a month and five days. When I was 400 pounds and miserable, I pulled an Oprah and did MetRx shakes for 2 months in an attempt to lose weight fast, so this will be a breeze. Plus, I gotta drop another 30 or so pounds for my little secret project anyway, so with cardio twice a day and endurance training 3 times weekly, I should cracked the hell out and be looking all thin and gait real soon. Lawd, what we do to cleanse and stay healthy. Did I mention colonics and rolfing as well?
I miss IM'ing during the day.
I almost missed fried chicken last week, until I re-educated myself on the KFC process.
I realize that I'll miss my Mom when I leave. I have to find a way to have her visit me when I get over there.
It looks like I'll be working with Millennium Promise in one of their villages. Time will tell exactly where I'll be. To get info, an education on what must be done to end poverty or to donate, click this: www.millenniumpromise.org I hope that I'm not the only one willing to do something for our cousins... I also know that we got problems over here, but... Over there, is no 99 cent menu. Or clean water.
I need to medicate... I'll holla later
Oh, and Yazmar: Today's lunch special: scraped butt crust patte on focaccia bread with booger laced croutons
And Lynn: I see you... Keep moving, don't stop baby. I'm moving with you, we can do it together, if you let me.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Better, Stronger. Faster.
A lot of gray friggin hairs.
Cardio in the evening
Cardio makes the fat fall down.
And off.
The Creator Has A Master Plan.
He wants my stank ass here. For something, and I gotta make adjustments in seeing myself like this and agreements in being here in this capacity. I am not a kid anymore, even though I still get carded on a great shaving day. I must approach the gray/hairline/weight situation with the same calmness I do when disaster strikes. Just ride it out, baby. I can outrun, outlift and out endure Hassan from 14 years ago. 14 friggin years since I exited the Army, and I can outdo that younger cat! Yoga and stretching make me more flexible, 2 a days make me more fit and age and experience makes me more smarter. The secret project that I prep and train for makes me see... Exposes me to me and I'm glad for it. I wondered what I would get out of preparing, and now I know. I can't wait to tell you guys what I have planned. In due time. First, let me add some smooth and sophistofunk to my repritoie.
I like the older me. I wish I could have known... Nah, takes the element of surprise outta it.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
An Open Letter To My Mental and Musical Doppleganger
Hey you,
It ain't never been about a single person in my life, it's always damn near never been about me. I never pointed you out or called your name. You have not been singled out. I dove into the depth of a person or two in my lifetime and I've shared my innermost and never gave thought of you or others for that matter exposing or exploiting me. I don't care about that because I love you. I never even cared about those that didn't stick around for one reason or another, they
wrote me off when you still believed in me and my crazy ways. I am always going to does what I do baby, but this? You surely jest.
This time is uniquely and selfishly mine. I got this. It ain't about you. When I said that I am no longer needed by friends or family I meant in the capacity you used to have me in. I no longer need to be there. You are just as mature as me. You have a telephone, can get to the internet and have a mailbox... We can still send smoke signals, you know? If I were still needed to be right there, I would have been, and since we don't hang now, it tells me that I should hang elsewhere. Don't take offense, I still love you and if you wanna hang, I'm sure we will. I am needed somewhere else at this time.
I still have your number.
And I know where you live.
And I know what you did last summer.
I still know what you did last summer.
It's not that I'm not happy, I just need to satisfy myself with things that I want to do when and how I want to do them. You know me, I never have followed the rules. There's something about following rules set by someone else that totally sucks, and you know that I have a problem with authority, right?
So what's the fuss? (insert Stevie here - loves that Prince lick!)
You never got up in arms when I went over there and done that thing...
Never complained when I got with ol' girl, even though you warned me...
Never slapped me in the back of the head at the car dealership... That shit was $500 a month!
What about that job that one time, you knew I wasn't going to last six months but did you say anything?
I ain't picking with you, I just want you to know that when I say I'm not needed, it's based on you not calling like you used to, us not hanging like we did back in the day and us not hearing each other breathe on the phone while we surf the net or watch TV. You have somebody else to do that with you now. I have had them too, but now I have the splendiferous opportunity to branch out into the world of my dreams. I can do what I've always wished I did. The Creator has blessed me to be in this position. No wife, no kids, no multibillion dollar evil industry to babysit along with training Number Two, just me and my terribly inquisitive mind. In other words, I'm not thinking about anything else but me right now and how I plan to fill my glass.
If I do decide to make babies, I need stories to tell, adventures to share and lessons to pass on, and I can't obtain all of this sitting in an office or minding the minions snoozing their asses off over in cubicle city. I can no longer find new ways to stay awake in the meetings I'm supposed to be presenting for. I like my yoga class, but not when I have to rush to get back into traffic, thus smashing my peacful aura and all that comes with it. Donuts in the break room? Fuhggitabout. Power suits is my old style. I need to let my toes come out and get some air.
I'd rather be stuck in the airport.
And not ride in business class.
Once again, you know me. So stop playing and be happy that I can finally do what I've been yapping about for years on end and quit thinking that I'm all up in a self pity fest because I'm not. I'm quite happy that I will no longer have to do the perp walk with all of the wage slaves downtown.
So there...
Leave me alone, but call me if we're going to see the Chappelle flick. I gots to have the kettle corn this time.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
The Creator Has A Master Plan...
There was a time, when peace was on the earth,
And joy and happiness did reign and each man knew his worth.
In my heart how I yearn for that spirits return
And I cry, as time flies,
Om, Om.
There is a place where love forever shines
And rainbows are the shadows of a presence so divine
And the glow of that love lights the heavens above
And it's free, can't you see, come with me,
The creator has a master plan,
peace and happiness for every man
The creator has a working plan,
peace and happiness for every man
The creator makes but one demand,
happiness through all the land...
Pharoah Sanders/Leon Thomas
"The Creator Has A Master Plan" - 1968
Can you feel that?
Have you ever given thought to what The Creator has in store for you? Have you ever wondered why things are the way they are?
Do you belong with him?
Why is she talking a whole bunch of crap right now?
Why exactly did I get fired?
I hate this car...
I'm broke again.
I love my child, I just wish he/she would listen.
This is so cool, I am so blessed to have this.
I got over that cold real quickly.
She died? WTF? How did that happen?
See, we go thru so much BS involving our jobs, family, gossip, rumor and innuendo that we sometimes forget that God already has things in store for us. Sometimes, we never take the time to asses and get right with God. I am so guilty of having that lack of balance, because that's what a life hiccup is, lack of peace and balance spiritually. I am not a religious cat, but I yearn for spiritual balance at all times. I see that gaining definition in what the Creator has for me means me moving around, touching others and discovering where I'm needed next. That's why I'm not afraid to spend the paycheck to get out on the weekends and gig.
What exactly do you think The Creator has in store for you and what do you plan to do about it? Is there a void right now for you that you feel needs to be filled? How do you plan to fill it and when? What keeps you from doing what you want:
(working at the job you hate but never quitting - being with someone that makes your flesh crawl, but y'all did the nasty last night - not saying I love you to the one person that really needs to validate your love for their sake... And sanity - going to that place because you wanna and can, but don't - confronting the obstacle that holds you back - quitting smoking, you can feel the cancer creeping in your lungs - kicking that sexual addiction - turning a blind eye to folk, especially family that need you in some way or another - eliminating the gambling habit you have, sacrificing necessities for vanity and pleasure... You know the rent/mortgage/car payment is due but you gotta get that outfit - saying NO to him/her - not getting a clue about being wanted by your employer/friends/family)