Version 2.0

Culture, healing, politics and bullshit - Not necessarily in that order

The general, socio-political and very personal rantings and ravings of a hip hop head from the hood hustling for change... Of himself.

You all know me and are aware that I am unable to remain silent. At times to be silent is to lie. For silence can be interpreted as acquiescence.
—Miguel de Unamuno


Monday, January 18, 2010

Ten OTHER Things Martin Luther King Said

I'm actually not here today. I'm out of the office early, making things happen. My weekend was as busy as today will be for me. I hope you make today a day of service... There is so much to do.

I am grateful and amazed in the service of my brother and elder Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his quest for service and sacrifice in his works to set us straight on how poor people AND people of color are to be treated. Already sacrificing any earnings from writings and recordings, his own ready-made pastoralship, his family and any endorsements he could have had if he would have just stayed either in Atlanta at his father's church or in Montgomery, Alabama... His influence travels greater than any other person could have if given a billion dollar marketing machine and countless commercial appeal because his thoughts and ideas given to overcome the struggle are timeless and his thoughts are the absolute truth, and it didn't cost a damn thing to hear or read any part of the message.

It only took understanding of self and an open heart to know that he spoke truths in a time that did not want them to be spoken to the masses of the world unless it was filtered and it's message neutered by whatever powers that were. Control was and still is key. The haves these days still want continued control and it is NOT money that influences minds to speak truth to power. Well, you know that that is... 


Lord, I hope so.

He traveled and risked, eventually giving his life in getting his message inspired by Christ's teachings, Grandi's philosophy on life and non-violence and countless others in an effort to let us know that all of us regardless of geographic location were free, equal and deserved proper treatment and placement in the standing of the world.

As a man who is the age that he was when he was taken from this realm I can say with total understanding that I know what was being said and what he was attempting to do with his ministry. He had gone global... No, universal. The Poor People's Campaign was where he was really trying to go. The American Civil Rights Movement was just a launch pad...

So in tribute, I give you Jay Smooth and his video doctrine of the day:

Y'all be easy and get out the house, Ya Dig?


1 comment:

Big Mark 243 said...

Not only do I 'dig', but I managed to get out of the house as well!