Version 2.0

Culture, healing, politics and bullshit - Not necessarily in that order

The general, socio-political and very personal rantings and ravings of a hip hop head from the hood hustling for change... Of himself.

You all know me and are aware that I am unable to remain silent. At times to be silent is to lie. For silence can be interpreted as acquiescence.
—Miguel de Unamuno


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Whatever Man

Whatever man, I guess things are fine here somewhat:

Going back to Atlanta to sit on the other side of the desk and do the dance in a few weeks.

Will definately be out east for the Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival. June, baby. Already cleared my calender.

Writing for the album is going well, seeing that I'm writing again. Feels good.

Been hooking up some serious poetic shorts as of late. I got inspiration/ Doubt me?

Check this:

This is all about you.

I'll tell you how just thinking of you creates a presence in the spirit which guides me to compose words expressing what excites me about your shape and form

Scribe thoughts on how you stimulate the mental and how I look forward to the present tense of converse

The ones from the past still invade my thoughts so I have fodder for later

How I lay narrative descriptive will be reminiscent of your flow. I twist and and shape the verbal to match the curvature that peaks from the small your back. I mix adverbs and pronouns that equals the thickness of your thighs, roll conjunctions between composed phrases that are in tune with the sound of your voice

we harmonize

I plow and sew seeds of things future in painting with the color of your soul. Vibration is created using resonance of the morning moan that joyously haunts me. Because it repeats over and over and over and over it causes me to overstand the fact that I am the man that fits into that space that needs that soulful chocolate void both filled and fulfilled

Others have tried, but it is life's equivalent of pounding square pegs in circular orifices, it just won't fit. My verbs lubricate a spiritual insertion, sliding into all that is you not in one moment, but in multiple spaces places and times causing our lotus-chakras to sync and compose a melodic joyful noise repeated

Every time in the company of each other

I photograph you with the patience and confidence of an artisan, making sure I gather enough of your light to expose your aura for the world to see. You shine enough to guide my eyes to the correct place. I admire the smooth and the soft, appreciate the askew and watch with time how age does not take you away, but provides me deeper overstanding

My sketches on paper are guided by powerful memories of your subtle yet meaningful presence. You calm the waters in my sea of disgruntled Blackman. At times your nurturing spirit fuels my dark warrior but in every moment I feel the need to be selfish and overprotect, hiding your brilliant light from the world that definitely needs to see where kingdoms of perfect emanate.

Composition has no meaning without you as my muse. I create formless abstract pieces of nothing if I cannot hear you speak. I am inspired to sit and exist in nothingness if your scent does not arouse my senses. Everything becomes nothing when you are not around. I can't breathe and it gets dark...

I need to create.

Help me birth my babies...

See, I told you, it's about you

Copyright 2006 Hassan Olumoroti Ntimbanjayo

sho nuff ' - ya dig?

Decided to quit jobs 2 and 3. I now have nothing to do with my sleepless evenings and the crack of dawns ass. Don't worry, I just hit careerbuilder and sent off about 9 requests for some 3rd shift work. Basic stuff. Programming or network monitoring.

Called APD and decided that I want to be a cop again. Hey, cool uniform, good pension and decent pay. Whatever man.

I miss my peoples, son.

I wrote a real short short poem and had this idea... You'll like the finished product(s).

Cycled off the heart meds due to test results showing no extensive damage of my heart. Test results on my liver, kidneys and pancreas coming soon...

Saw a therapist for the 5th time in the last week. Says that nothings wrong with me mentally, so we're working on eliminating stress (the other 2 jobs, certain family/loved ones, saying no, getting sleep). He convinced me to eliminate excessive things and take time for myself. Learned breating techniques as taught by Dr. Andrew Weil. It's working. No meds, blood pressure is normalizing and blood sugars are back at normal levels.

Time to fast... I gotta find a 21 day window.

Also time to get that spot in Atlanta. I'm giving myself 90-120 days to rid myself of the stresses of Chicago. I love this place, but I think I've blown my wad here.

I feel good.

Maybe cause' I came into some money...

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