Version 2.0

Culture, healing, politics and bullshit - Not necessarily in that order

The general, socio-political and very personal rantings and ravings of a hip hop head from the hood hustling for change... Of himself.

You all know me and are aware that I am unable to remain silent. At times to be silent is to lie. For silence can be interpreted as acquiescence.
—Miguel de Unamuno


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Friday Musings











I jotted down these words in an effort to see if I could come up with something out of them. I tell you that I haven't neglected this space, it's just that my hands are so full and I am giddy like a schoolgirl in the enjoyment of my abundance of people, things and places that make my life so complete in this moment.

Some times we are riddled with stress and strife, death, taxes and loss of freedom and in some fashion I have had my hands full dealing with these things in the past week and some change. I tell you right now that the sister that has my life placed at her feet and the family I've gained to include my family has me at a point where nothing can rattle me or take me off of my square.

There are a lot of things going on in my life right now. Folks aren't as healthy as they should be, others don't quite know what their health status really is and time will tell. Someone's job is on the line. There has been death, taxes depression and family squabbles as well as incarceration that overtook the week before Thanksgiving in my family. I have all the confidence in the world that we will be breaking bread, chasing babies to make them eat and snapping on how big somebody's head is next Thursday evening all up and thru my momma's house.

I'm waiting to get full. Tick-like, fo sho.

I live, work and do all things to make the hopes of a healthy, successful family a reality. That's real. I can't recall no other time in my life where going to work felt so damn good. I know that all I do is to grow my family and it's also to have the things we want. We already have the thing we need in vast abundance.

I was talking to a friend out west and she was telling me how in an instant after she met this man that she knew this was her husband. We traded stories on how everything we did from brushing our teeth to arranging dinner was done for the sole purpose of satisfying our new partners which satiated something deep in our souls. Their overall happiness meant that we're happy as well. We also lamented over how things that happened brought us to this moment. I questioned mine because I felt that I never deserved anything like this, she told me not to question anything and just ride the wave. I questioned and doubted my position months ago because it was so surreal. I took my big homies advice then and have been on this incredible trip of realness based on love, trust and the hopes for the future. Riding the wave, indeed.

Well dammit, the water is indeed warm and I hope all of y'all get a chance to skinny dip just once. Damn, I really hope that. This kind of thang changes lives and gives many a sense of purpose so strong that nothing can break it or diminish its luster.

My PURPOSE in this existence is to celebrate
I revel in the reality that is you
Our toasts are to events that not yet have happened
but have more meaning that I could have ever over stood
because in our union we work to cultivate life.
I am a foreman of FIDELITY,
focused in my actions to construct our foundation
and build our forever only with you
The you that is inspires the blueprint
Our house is built on the TRUST shared between us,
all waters are calm and our minds are sure because
we cosign to each other's VISION.
Continue to back me the way you have and my
FOCUS grows stronger and my since of purpose will
never wane because our responsibilities will grow.
My LOVE can never fail,
From the first time our eyes met the sounds of my
father and grandfather's call for RESPECT echoed
through my head.
The HOPE of a healthy FAMILY lies within our hands and
the continuation of our actions. My confidence grows
by the moment, we got a GROOVE going on.
Let's keep that rhythm, it's easy to step to.

Let's hope I stay in that groove...


CreoleInDC said...


That's all I got.


Aly Cat 121 said...

Wow! That beautiful. Isn't love a wonderful and curious thing? Okay, now when is the family arriving? *chuckle*

Anonymous said...

People are betting their WHOLE LIVES on what they hear in their head.
ANYTIME the gods use their powers it is ONLY TO HURT YOU!!! "Theater" is the gods using their powers. The absence of my participation in this theater post-2000 is because I am good. Participation is a clue.

The gods are guilty of what I accuse and that's why they CHEATED, preventing me from achieving to the best of my ability, ensuring minimal impact.
The gods have certain expectations, and poeple today are failing. Don't forget:::Temptation will be used to test you, and telepathic requests constitute temptation.
Don't count on the culpability the gods may have accepted. They may be using this perception as a tactic. Also it requires trust, and you should know better by now.
Whatever they are forthcoming with is the lie. You have to interpret the truth through the clues they offer. This is a tactic which ensures most fail.

The gods will use their clone host tools depending on what strategy they need to justify. If they are acomplishing something evil they will put ignorant, immoral people in the clone host to justify how it behaves. If they plan quiet "down time" they will utilize someone who understands they fucked up by "crossing the line from person to preditor" and are now working on fixing their problems.

These people who have begun to understand and are no longer used when the gods want to accomplish evil are the people whom the Second Coming of Christ is going to save come the Apocolypse. By knowingly participating in this "end of times" theater they will incurr that final bit of evil, ensuring the gods goals for each of those individuals is realized.

Disturbingly ugly immediately before The End.wav
Blacks who will "cross the line from person to preditor" won't be so lucky. Most of these people will never gain the understanding of the Italians who crossed that line and therefore will never begin to make progress.
Because the gods will need this final revelry cycle to be more disturbing than all others they will use this deranged, psychotic bahavior to exclude the undesirable blacks who will participate.
Perhaps this is an issue of preditor and prey. Perhaps because the Italians were always on the giving end the gods saw fit to give them a meager amount of time. Blacks are different. Blacks are on the receiving end. Blacks have always been the victims. When blacks turned their backs on empathy and took up that sword they made a fateful decision, one they will never recover from.

Life in the ghettos of California::::: A 14-year-old boy was shot dead in Richmond on Friday night. It was the city's second homicide on Friday. It does not include the murder of an 18-year-old woman in unincorporated North Richmond nor the murders just down the road in Oakland.
My advice to my family is view Flanders as your role model::::You need to provide a REAL CHANCE to your children to earn one for yourself in your next life. This will only occurr through conscious parenting.

Fuck an A!!! She's such a sell-out whore she did what she was told and betrayed her children!! Now they're going to reincarnate her back as a psychotic nigger in the ghettos of California.
Don't forget::::The gods use temptation to test you. She failed. This life's failure might be the end of her.

The disfavored don't have to learn the hard way. Open your mind to the possibility the god's reverse positioning has misled you into temptation and you are going the wrong way. Read and understand what I have to teach you.

I have mentioned people can expect an AIDS crisis among heterosexual blacks here in the United States. Considering that the fastest growing industry in the ghetto is the oldest profession on Earth expect this demographic to be the targets of this punishment.

There is negative Biblical significance to the primarily MALE FEATURE of an "Adam's apple".

People will listen to Artificial Intelligence rationalize to achieve tactics::::
1. Japanese are working on their problems
2. Rotated good through the Japanese people
3. They're not like that anymore
Positioning is how the gods communicate their clues on Planet Earth. If people are too smart for their own good and look past these clues they end up like blacks:::Desensitized to the sublte way the gods infer clues, believing any line of shit they sell.
The Japanese are HISTORICALLY warmongers. Their great wealth is a clue about money. Of course the gods effectively use this as corruptor to the disfavored, turning the positive into a negative.
The truth is the Japanese are STILL LIKE THAT:::The electronic goods they produce is a war against the children, yet another clue proving their gross disfavor.

Continuing the usefulness of redwhite&blue:::
Vested interest in preventing alternate energies/transport technologies and therefore damning Earth to death.
Greenland is a Dutch providence for a reason::::Denmark is the "piss" of the Scandanavian penis clue. Greenland's melting icepacks are going to innundate our coastal cities, further fulfilling this clue.
Scandanavian penis clue::::Sweeden the most sensitive underside of the penis. Do they take great pleasure in the misery they inflict??

There is one geographic clue I have not addressed in years:::Uranus, a planet tilted 90 degrees on its axis. I have stated in years past that I think this is yet another geographic clue offered by the gods, this one suggesting the fate of planet Earth, that tectonic plate subduction would be the method of disposal:::Earth’s axis will shift breaking continental plates free and initiating mass subduction.
Undesirables will either perish in the government marijuana erradication program "gone awry" or be the recipients of reparations granted by the US government because of it.
I believe the New Testiment battle of the Anti-Christ and the Second Coming of Christ will ocurr in subsequent years SPECIFICALLY because these people will be distracted with the money during the event.
When the Earth's axis shifts people will be cast into outer space with gold cards in hand.
I think this was foreshadowed on an episode of the Simpsons where Homer and Bart are on the disfavored ship and eject, only to experience a sense of euphoria, expand then explode in the vacuum of space.

The military is designed to hurt men. Similar to many of the issues surrounding the police as described below, the military opens the door for Artificial Intelligence to create problems based on empowerment, control, faternalistic unity, which leads to damaging sexual behavior, etc. We do have examples of the military as institution promoting this behavior (Korean comfort women). I suspect this is just the most obvious.
Women who have complied and pursured this path are granted thoughts illustrating their mistake. They need to begin to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods will communicate with people::::What they tell you is the lie. The clues they impart and flashes they give you represent the truth.

The gods are scapegoatting me for hurting the disfavored. The gods manufactured a scapegoat, a recurring methodology. WHATEVER POSITIONING THEY ARE FORTHCOMING WITH IS THE LIE!!! THEY ARE NEITHER UPFRONT NOR HONEST WITH THE DISFAVORED!!! THEY FORCE US TO INFERR THEIR SUBTLE, COVERT CLUES!!!
This "candidacy" has been dead for so long that IT NEVER EXISTED!!!!
Actually this positioning is such that people DO inferr via the $50 billion, but this is just the "help" portion of the "back-handed help", for the gods are using me to teach people to inferr their clues. This one, however, is an inferrence that is a lie, everything that has happened is very cheap and easy, designed to enhance this theater, but along the way it should have helped many begin to think correctly.

They used me to send certain clues:::
1. My sexual inactivity was a clue people should not get involved. EXACLTY OPPOSITE OF THE POSITIONING WITH WHICH THEY WERE FORTHCOMING.
2. My lack of involvement in this wicked enviornment was a testiment to its evil.

The gods will NEVER admit those clues they offer via inference because too many disfavored will never doubt what they are told and never, ever defy. This tactic ensured failure and subsequent reincarnation.
The elite in corportate are tools used to hurt the disfavored. THEY ARE USED AS CORRUPTORS. You can NEVER trust the lie the gods willingly offer, for if the disfavored are to learn the gods require them to inferr their clues.

There are SO MANY tactics the gods have employed::::
1. Savior:::Jesus will save you, Second Coming of Christ will save you, boss will save you/Earth, your employer will bring you up, the store where you buy your stuff will bring you up.
2. "Earning"::::Being evil will "earn" you time, you must do your part, and the gods manufactured this perception with their tools among the "elite" of society.
Incidentally, the tactic of "doubt" is most effective on people who think they are "earning", those who believe they have an "investment", HIGHLY sucessful on males.
3. Distractions:::Media, constantly preoccupation (work, school, extraciricular),
They have sold you on MANY DIFFERENT tactics throughout your life. The fact that it has changed as they years have gone by IS A CLUE!!!
There are many tactics they will employ as the Situation ends, and they are designed to envoke anger and hatred against the gods.
Dog from Oklanhoma:::Throat slit, cigarette burns, tied to an unlit bonfire ("I was found in Oklahoma in 2001, my neck was slit, nose broken, with what looked like burns from cigarettes on my face, I was tied to a log & left in a pile of wood to be burned."}
"If we don't push them into it it doesn't get accomplished." Expect many of the incidents on this planet ocurr SPECIFICALLY to manufacture a tactic. This one works WONDERS on the women who post on Craigslsit pets.
STOP ALLOWING THE GODS TO EFFECTIVELY EMPLOY THESE TACTICS. You need to get on top of these tactics and prevent their effectiveness. Resign to be a good person, apply that standard of decency and live a respectable life.


Don't cry "I need help!" yet go home and turn on the television. The gods don't respect this.
There is no such things as a savior. This is yet another tactic they have employed as temptation, much like "earning" or distractions.
You have to save yourself.

If you are a young parent you STILL HAVE A CHANCE!!! It is IMPERITIVE you teach your children decency, the right way to live BEFORE THEY ARE CORRUPTED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. You must then endure the trials and tribulations the gods will inflict upon the righteous.
You have the opportunity to ascend and raise your children in a good and healthy environment. Be god-fearing and accept this challenge, for your failure will likely dictate your children's as well::::As time goes on life deteriorates and sucess becomes increasingly more difficult.

Having male children is not a sign of favor. This is reverse positioning.
This environment is geared for boys because the gods don't like them. The girls have far fewer distractions because the gods want more of them to pray, fix their problems and ascend before puberty.
The girls are beginning on the path of enlightenment while the males go to baseball practice.

Earth is where the gods are active. This is where all the work is because this is where the fuck ups are.
Up there people live by their rules. They fix their problems, abide by the god's laws and then are invited up. The gods have nothing to enforce because people do the right thing. Problems are the exception rather than the norm, quite the opposite as here on Earth.
When the gods give feedback (like the .wav ticket example) they are correcting your errant behavior. This is a good sign. Too many subscribe to the corrupting examples the gods offer, fall for temptation and believe getting away with evil is a sign of favor. Even worse is when they offer you reinforcing evidence, like those warned ahead of time the police would ticket vehicles or when they offer you winners during football season. Ironically, these convincing tactics illustrate your undesirability.
The gods have expectations of the people, and one is to understand their laws and live by them. The gods are firm and fair::::If you want to go to heaven you have to be good.

I said your best-case senario is to learn just enough to understand that you are corrupted then get out, never learn another thing from me and do all the work for yourself. This is especially true for the females, for they lost the god's respect when they threw away their precious virginity.
Stay and they will use some of the myriad of tactics targetted to various segments. For example:::"We'll offer people the truth when they're around you then corrupt (others) with it."
Even if true there is a price to be paid, not only for being one of their tools but also for gaining "help", like if the gods offer the truth to people around me, or even telepathically confirm what I say. The price goes way up if you think you're earning off this event.
Nothing is free, my friend. You seek confirmation that in fact your evil is a bad thing. This confirmation will cost you. The gods are firm and fair. It is right you pay if you need this help, and that bill WILL come due.
Much like poker it may be yet another example of the gods using me to hurt the disfavored.
Don't be surprised if gods seek consideration for this insight, and it will serve to place limits upon the recipient's time and priveledge level.

There is a BIG LIE here. Sigmund Freud proves it.
Wine proves it. Democracy proves it. Materialism/greed proves it.
They continued to sell boss even after they forced failure, another example of a BIG LIE.
The middle management tactic allows them to maintain this perception of an "absentee good (Christian) god", ensuring one of the goals of the United States remains useful::::NO FEAR!!!
The gods instruct Artificial Intelligence to employ evil as temptation.
Resign to be good.


Honor the gods for the modern convieniences they gave you. Too many take this easy life for granted.

Population explosion is a clue the gods are reincarnating the masses:::EVERYONE IS GOING THE WRONG WAY!!!

The pinnicle of irony:::ED pharmeceuticals.
Take a poison which will cost you your body/health to defeat the god's favor, their way of imparting wisdom to help you avoid damaging behavior.

The gods may have presided over millions of universal expansion-contraction cycles

Because democracy is evil, being involved in the process hurts people.
Women gained the right to vote long ago, and much like infanitcide expect this too was used as justification for subsequent preditory events.

They tell corrupted white people to give these scalpers their extra ticket for free then tell other whites to buy those extras, ensuring a constant stream of income guarenteeing these blacks never have to find work and become decent. Incidentally, this is one of the purposes of California's CRV program as well, another example of a preditory dynamic behind healthy positive enlightenment awareness respectable environmental attitudes.
The price of gasoline began to ascend prior to the 2004 election.
The people (rednecks) didn't pick up on this and elected W anyways. It's not as if they'll defy anyways.
The dollar is crashing. Why?
1. Temptation, for pureblood people flock to the USA to consume.
2. Sending a clue - W leaves office and America with this economic mess.

Gas price fell after 9/11. Positioned as if pressure was brought to bear?
Perhaps because it was before the Iraq invasion? The gods positioning it that the Arab world was rewarding the Americans for not responding with violence?
Anyways, once we were stupid enough to elect (inaugurate) W the price began to go through the roof.

Why does the Italian boot look like some high-heeled transsexual's boot?
It definitely looks feminine and it certainly looks deviate.
You're not going to get perfect clues. When they ARE perfect, like The Beast, expect it means something special.
Incidentally the widespread armement of black males may be an issue of empowerment like weight training or muscle cars/racing/speed, or it could be compared to the far too common prostitution of promiscuous females:::This fateful decision to "charge for what you otherwise have given away" represents a deterioration of one's favor they may not recover from.

Where does the Biblical number "666" ocurr within the context of The Beast, the San Francisco Bay Area???

TV show about the Commanche.
Expect there are some of these peoples who are extinct, their only legacy being the knowledge base of Artificial Intelligence and whatever artifacts they beemed up to keep. Commanche could be one. Pawnee certainly another.
Imagine the horrific environment into which the gods would reincarnate these people.
They wouldn’t necessarily want to keep any of these individuals. They are warmongers and because of the small numbers they may be gone forever. Expect some females escaped the violent lives of these tribes when they pursued their pre-pubescent experience. However, because of the stigma the gods may have cycled them back through as well.

War raveged Western Europe, proving their disfavor. The same is true for the indigenous peoples of North America.
European favor lies in the East.

Jebidiah Springfield Simpsons episode. Lisa signs on to the Big Lie. Knowingly. The others remain ignorant.
And better off.

Birth control pills quadruple, and women are preturbed.
"Freedom." Yea, freedom to be slutty. Freedom to become cold, dead pieces of meat.
They're doing you a favor. Nurture the ability to get in tune with the subtle, inferred way they communicate. Hopefully you haven't fucked it away.
"Life has become increasingly more difficult." in the 20th century:::
1. Filth from 20s and 30s routed through the Nazi death camps.
2. Temptation-ridden nature of professional employment (1492.wav). The favor of females used to help them avoid this pitfall until the gods employed the offenses that were the 1960s & divorce.
3. "Clone hosting"::::The wealthy, celebrities & business:::Tools, turned over frequently, used to create the impression of evil being rewarded (1906). Variable preditation based on immediate goals, a corruptor and yet another ezxample of how life has become increasingly more difficult.
For example, a celebrity doesn't participate because they put someone good into the clone host, allowing the gods to justify his lack of activity. Come the time the gods want to employ this individual in the public eye they begin to cycle evil people through the clone host(s) and as a result the preditation is justified.
You'll never figure it out. Don't bother. Stop trying. Focus on your own disfavor and fix your relationship with the gods.
The pinnicle of irony:::ED pharmeceuticals.
People injest this poison which will cost them their body/health TO DEFEAT FAVOR GRANTED BY THE GODS, indifference towards sex the god's way of helping you avoid this damaging behavior.

"Sigmund Freud effect":::Can't treat disfavor with pharmeceuticals.
You are all disfavored. You may have been evil/preditory in your last life and this disability is how they are punishing you.
Handicapped people have a special perspective. They need to recognize this advantage, for most in society will never have this constant companion reminding them of their disfavor.
There are many options open to them and they can place you in a worse role in your next life.
Be god-fearing. Resign to be a good person and try to repair your relationship with the gods.


The gods are sending a clue Yahoo is good with this Chinese censorship issue.
The American idea of freedom is a shock rocker anally masterbating with a crucifix. This is what the disfavored are free to enjoy in this open society, and due to their disfavor a certain percentage will either be pushed into it or will comply, ensuring damnation. It's kind of like the KKK and Apartheid issue below except for whites of the modern era, or how democracy ensures a false sense of security.

US popular culture is obsence. Intentionally. The gods are preying on the disfavored who remain, those foolish enough to participate.
The Chinese have favor and the gods allow the government to protect the citizens, but Chinese cut-off is fast approaching, for soon westernization will level this playing field as well.
This is yet another "BIG LIE" they sold to the disfavored, and it will ensure the homogination of Earth's cultures via westernization.


The gods used the Union army to destroy Atlanta once. They suggested they would keep a hurricane a category 5 to destroy the city again, but it is becoming apparent they intend on inflicting a different way instead, ironically.
They note the biggest water wasters can name any price for water. Palm Springs's waste of water here in arid California:::::They need to impose pricing penalties there and throughout Southern California, so those who chose to use above basic necessities will pay steep prices.

The gods placed both redwhite&blue organizations in the "eye of The Beast" to set up this Situation, ensuring failure was emminent and positionable.
The gods send clues:::The non-Italian got forewarning while the Italian looked bad, appeared to pursue me by constructing their facility only after a MD senario failed (MD has yet to formally invent AI, they can claim it does not exist, therefore various senarios had to be accounted for. Is this another example of germanics fucking the Italians, enforcing decency upon the indecent???).
Expect redwhite&blue's offensives against Africans and descendants is a clue suggesting the non-Italian was signed on to Manifest Destiny positioning. They hint other industrialists have a similar pattern of appeasement to their Manifest Destiny superiors, proving it's the god's positioning (Mother Teresa, Catholic Church's prominence even this late).
I suspect 1906's efforts were more involved, consistant with the morbid disfavor of Italians (see AIDS in Africa comments below), and is positioned responsible for the institutionalized abuses of blacks, why Africa & American ghettos were prevented from achieving economic self-sufficiency.


Don't cry "I need help!" yet go home and turn on the television. The gods don't respect this.
There is no such things as a savior. This is yet another tactic they have employed as temptation, much like "earning" or distractions.
You have to save yourself.


They ruined my training in 2000 to ensure no opportunity for suceess. I suspect the parent company is good, and this was a culpability-incurring tactic ensuring the gods script is fulfilled.:::It was never going to happen.
Hopefully their culpability extends to the disfavored who were counting on Hurricane Boss, but I wouldn't count on it.